Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Introduction to Learn About It

Hello everybody, and welcome to Learn About It, your online resource for random knowledge about subjects that you want to know about!

Learn About It is going to enlighten you on a different subject with every post. Now these subjects will be chosen by me until more people begin to come to this blog and make suggestions, in which case, I will transition over to filling those suggestions (given that they are reasonable suggestions).

With Learn About It, you can learn about things that you never before may have been interested in, just by checking back every so often to see if I've posted a new topic. Even better yet, follow this blog, so you will get notifications every time I make a new post.

I hope to see everyone back here again for my next post, which is when I'll be starting on the first subject!

P.S. Also be sure to check out my personal blog at: http://anythingandeverythingwithalexs.blogspot.com/.

-Alex S.